Photo by: Wynn Michael Wesson
After gobbling two mondito burritos with my friend, we headed across the street to find a pleasant surprise. An arch full of gray color and pyramids was laid before us! I quickly dropped my belongings, threw on my notorious 150mm lens, and began to imagine a piece of art for my easel. As the young Ansel Adams once said, “A good photograph is knowing where to stand” and I took this advice and applied it to my masterpiece. I set my stance, focused on a peculiar angle, and spent twenty minutes waiting for the perfect photo. Click! The photograph comes out greater than expected, almost as great as my daguerreotype in Mr. Tylczak’s class! I truly love this photo because it displays my hunger for unique angles and shows a complete tonal range that only dodging and burning could have helped, but I did not use Photoshop tricks! All in all, I gave this my all, and in the end, all of my all was shown through my photograph, truly a sight to behold and Ansel Adams would be proud!