Photo by: Halee Dew
The reason I chose this photo to post was because it was one of my favorite macro photos that I took. I really just liked the lighting of the sky that day and the way it made my photo look. Taking macro photos are not my favorite in the whole world simply because it took a lot of patience for me to get the picture I really wanted. For this picture I tried to get somewhat of a unique angle of the flower, and instead of looking directly in the center I decided to shoot the back.
I like the mix up in this picture, usually you see the front of a flower but this photo is unique. The white flower and the rich greens make it seem hopeful, great job!
I have to agree with your comment about the lighting, its one of my favourites too. I like how sharp it made the colors look.You centered the flower and post well, and I like how the flower isn’t completely centered.The depth of field is rather perfect, except the post competes with the flower for attention. I wish you’d gotten more focused on the flower than the post just so the subject was clearer.
The depth of field in this picture is really blurry in a perfect way because it draws you into the log with the daisy resting on it. Love how vibrant everything is that’s in focus. Good choice in placing the daisy off to the left rather than dead on in the center. Very interesting photo!!!
Kaitlyn H. -FPHS
Like all the other comments said, the lighting is wonderful. I love the crispness in the photo. The detail of the back of the flower where the petals begin is really nice. Over all I REALLY like this photo!
Caitlin M. - FPHS
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