Photo by: Rosie Moslander
When I took this photo I was sorta still messing around with my camera. Trying to get the settings to how I wanted them and whatnot. This cat was sitting on the hot tube so I decided that I should take a few pictures of it. My boyfriend told me that it would be a great shot when the cat was yawning so he rushed me out when she was and I took the picture. I think what I need to do differently is that I need to fully make my camera go to the setting that it really needs to be one in order to get a much better photo. My shutter speed setting was set at 1/30 sec. I was using the rule of thirds element. To me, rule of thirds is my favorite element of composition.
This picture is absolutely adorable! The yawning the catching of it is absolutely perfect. I love the deep color and the contrast. The green in the background really adds to the beauty of the photo. I also like the fact that your floor below the kitty is white. It’s a beautiful photo!
Erika Y- FPHS
Adorable. The green tree in the back makes the white foreground colors pop. It could have been a bit better if the paws weren’t cut off.
I like how you actually got this moment of the cat yawning. The green grass really brings out the cat more. Rule of Thirds was the element of composition used and Its also my favorite element to use. The mood that I get from this photo is sleepy.
I like how the photographer got the cat to yawn. This photo uses curved, vertical horizontal lines. The lighting a fine. The exposure is good. The focus of the cat could have been more zoomed in. This photo reflects a sleepy mood.
Well you defiantly got the setting right I love this photo. I couldn’t help but to laugh. To me I think the cat looks evil. Great rule of thirds. Next time I just wouldn’t do it so close up; I don’t want the cat to attack you.
This picture is adorable! I love that you were able to get a picture of your cat yawning; whenever I attempt to catch a photo of my cats, they move around too much for me to be able to get a good shot of them. The rule of thirds was used very nicely, as well. The greens are bright, which makes them feel somewhat dominant in the picture, but I can easily tell that the subject is the cat. Very nice!
LOVEEEEE. i absolutely adore cats. this photo was captured at just the right moment, so cute:)
I really liked this photo, and how she captured the cat yawning. It was great action photo even if the cat was not moving, its mouth was. And I just love my best friend (:
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