Photo by: Lizzi Curl
I chose this photograph to post to the blog because it is my favorite shot from our September projects. I adore how crisp the puddle came out and how little Photoshop manipulation was necessary to make this photograph come out as well as it did. It was a simple shot, but I liked it more than a I would have liked a complex shot.
I really like this picture. I love how green the grass looks and the reflection in the puddle.
I like that no one has choose to do something like this before some people would think that this is a stupid idea but I think it’s very different and is a good idea.
I like this picture a lot, it really caught my attention out of all the others on the website. It is interesting to look at and you did a good job leading the subject for the puddle up to the background. The nature lighting is well used in my opinion. The one thing I do not like about the picture is that the background is slanting off unevenly; it makes me feel like the picture is crooked. Other than that I think this picture turned of good.
-Amber V, ERHS
I like the fact you cant see the sky but since there is water in the picture, it’s a different perspective and you can see the sky without shooting at the sky.I like the fact that the focus isn’t zoomed in too much but doesn’t show to much of the picture. Its just the right amount of picture to show the view of the photo.
This picture is really cool because the reflection of the water fills the rest of the top of the photo where the objects were cut off. I also like the angle from which the picture was taken. The rule of thirds is nice here because the sky seems to be the main focus of the photo, even though the camera was pointed at the ground. I also love the bright colors of the picture.
This photo caught my attention the moment I saw it. I really like the natural lighting of this photo. The perspective is great; I like how you can only see the sky in that one puddle. Nice use of composition too, you filled the frame nicely.
I love this picture i just wishyou would crop out the white post in the back ground cause it is distracting to the eye and the puddle should what draws your eye in and allow you to focus but with the white post it distracts the eye. JEB SPHS
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