Photo by: Hilaree Hampton
After spending the day with my baby cousin I remembered that I had my camera. She was taking a nap so I snuck into her room and took a picture with her hand on mine. I like that it’s like sweet and makes you think of the special times you have with little kids. I tried different angles and this is the only one that stood out to me. My settings were a 1/125 shutter speed, 4.0 aperture and my ISO was at 1600. I hope you enjoy this picture!
This is a simple but beautiful photo.It does remind me of how precious children are and personally reminds me of my young second cousins that I love very much.I would blow up this photo and put it my home.putting it in black and white made it even better.
-Ashana A. ERHS
I really love this picture! I thought you did really well with the contrast of black and white. For some reason these kind of pictures inspire me. I love the difference in hand sizes. I also thought you did well in filling frame, if you had been closer it would not have had the full impact, same goes for if you had been farther away. Good job, your picture has officially inspired me.
-Annie G. ERHS
I like this photo because of what it represents. I like the fact that you cant see the entire hand and that they are over lapped. The element of composition is layer. I like the fact that its that dull grayish color. With this kind of picture you don’t need lots of light to make this photo good. The mood of this photo is a calm loving mood.
I love this picture. The emotion behind it is great. The black and white contrast is very well executed. Good job.
What I like about this photo is the difference in hand sizes and how you put it in black and white. Photos like these remind me that no matter what those two people has each other’s helping hand and always there for them. Did a great job with filling the frame. The mood of this photo is loving mood.
I LOVE this photo.
It is so simple but sweet in the same way.
The element of composition is layer. The mood this photo reflects is loving.
I really like this photo because of the feeling it shows. It makes me think of childhood and happiness. The elements of composition used are single center of interest and depth of field. You can tell that what are behind the hands is farther away.
This is a simple, but beautiful photo. The black and white goes really good with it. I like how you got so much detail and filled the frame. Great job.
I love this picture. Great black and white contrast. I like how you filled the entire frame.
Great Job
I also enjoy how sweet and innocent this looks!
I like that it‘s in black and white as well.
Kaitlyn H. -FPHS
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