Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Splash of Color

By: Thalia Chavez This picture I chose we were working on fall leaves and this leaf was in my back yard and it had just rained. I went outside and say the dew drops and I thought to myself “that would make a great picture” so I grabbed my camera and did a technique I learned from doing macro pictures and took a picture. In photo shop I thought I would highlight the dew drops in a black and white version of the picture. I am very proud of this picture.


Justin Balas said...

This photo is simple yet intricate. The way that the color is restricted only to the droplets makes it truly unique and enhances the mystique!

Tyler H said...

I like how the water drops are manipulated to have color in them and then have everything else be black and white. Good depth of field. The exposure is good and the focus is really sharp. Trippy
- Tyler H ERHS

Anonymous said...

I really like how the rain drops are in color but everything else is in black and white. The lines on the leaf in the raindrops are in great focus and really stand out.

Audrey C. -FPHS

Anonymous said...

I like this picture a lot. It has good depth of field and gives a feeling of fall. I also really like how the raindrops have color. It really gives the picture character rather than just being black and white. This picture is high quality.
-Andrea O. FPHS

Maranda said...

WOW! this is a AWESOME picture. I like how the picture is in black and white and the water drops are in color it gives this picture a lot of personality!!

-Maranda FPHS

Anonymous said...

This photo is good because they got a good close up and I like how they changed everything black and white except what is in the bubbles
-Justin lee fphs

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo! The way you selected individual raindrops to color rather than keep it all in one hue was a very nice touch that created great visual appeal and emphasisis.

-J. Dressler FPHS

Anonymous said...

I would be proud of this picture too! I love the technique you used to bring the colors in the dew drops back. It makes it even more interesting that you can see the veins in the leaf. Very nice and original.

Caitlin Martin - FPHS