Photo by: Kelcey Olson
I was trying out a new technique I learned about called ‘free lensing’. I was just looking around and found this fern and decided it would be nice to try and take a picture of while free lensing. I also changed the photo to black and white so that I could get more practice in converting from color to grayscale. Overall I think I did a good job with this technique and I really like the outcome. My settings were 1/200, f/0, and an ISO of 100.
I really love the classic black and white to this picture. It looks like a professional photo taken for some kind of plant book. The contrast of shadows and light is great. I also love the use of depth of field, the blurred background. Great job!
Black and white photos require great contrast and shadows in the lighting. You were able to take a very great black and white picture. The levels and focus is great. I love the depth of field and how the background is blurred.
This photograph is very well done in the technique you were trying to portray, though it is very boring and unless looking close up it seems quite ordinary. The fern arching parallel to one another creates a nice soft line for the eye to look at.
Where the light hits the leaves it almost looks as if the leaves are silver in top and I think it was a really good idea to make this picture black and white.
The black and white looks really nice here. It kind of gives it a creepy look. I also like the rule of thirds here. It’s like the plant has gone though a tough drought and it gives some emotion.
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