Taken by: Michaela Mittelstadt
Description: I took this picture for our small depth of field assignment. It was challenging to get the shot from this angle because there was a big flat bush in the way of where I needed to stand so I had to stand on top of it and I kept losing my balance, but it was really fun because I love small depth of field and macro photography. I used my macro lens and my aperture was 4.0.
This is a really good picture, I really like the colors and I like that the subject isn’t in the middle. Nice job.
This is a really pretty picture. I like the focus on the flower and the blurred out tree in the background. Good job!
I like this picture a lot, beautiful flowers. Great contrast. I love the color of the flowers, its fits perfect with the dark background. I like how you focused on the flowers and made the tree blurry.I also like how the flowers are not in the center of the picture. The picture is very pretty.
Great Job.
Good job on your depth of field with this picture. I like how the middle flower is in focus while the others aren’t. Your use of rule of thirds is also used well. I think the picture is pretty and I like the effect of the tree being there. Good job
It’s kind of weird that there is only one flower in focus. You should have experimented with angles to not make this look so… blah. Still, the colors turned out great! I also like the rule of thirds here.
Dorian M - ERHS
I like how you were able to keep the flowers sharp, and turn the normally rough texture, that would be distracting normally, of the tree right blurred. It makes ofr a nice effect and makes the subject really the focal point. Also the colors are good and calm like.
The point of this photo is to have only one flower in focus, therefore I do not think it's a blah photo. I love the colors and the rule of thirds. Also how the tree is out of focus (: Great job
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