By Kourtney Scudder
I took this photo when my friends and I went to Owens beach for our photography assignment. That was the best day. This picture is of my friend Tara. She looks like Peter Pan…in the picture. This was taken right before she fell on her booty. I Photoshoped the picture to make it brighter, and to define her figure more. The sky was naturally those colors at 5 Am.
I really like the colors in this picture, I like that the sun is not in the picture but it’s the main source of light it makes it look really nice.
I like this picture because the girls hair is flowing in the wind, and the way she is standing. The colors in the background really give this photo a lot of character as well. And nice use of rule of thirds.
Such an artistic picture. The angle, colors, and overall look of the picture really is astounding. I love how you caught her hair blowing in the wind. Classic. Great job :)
I like the colors on this picture a lot. The sky looks blue and purple and it’s really pretty. I also like how her hair is flowing in the wind. This photo is rule of thirds I believe.
I love this photo. You did rules of thirds well and depth of field. The picture could be a little brighter! I still think it’s cool.
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