Photo by Tara Nolan
I took this picture at about 7 in the morning. My friends and I drove out to Owens Beach to take pictures for our silhouette assignment. I love the sky in this picture. It is so colorful and interesting. It’s also fun to look at how she is jumping, and the silhouette of the rock and the logs. I didn’t even have to Photoshop this picture!
I really like the whole composition of this photo. We are learning lighting in class right now and I think this is the perfect example of back light. I also like how your subject isn’t right in the middle of the picture and that she is doing a really cool pose. I also think that the coloring in this pictures is very nice and it sets a good mood; really peaceful and serene.
The colors of this photo are really drawing your attention into the photograph. The clouds are lined up parallel leading the eye to the subject of the silhouette. The way the subject is jumping makes the picture look innocent and free.
I like this photo because of the purple and blue background and the girl jumping in the corner. The element of composition used is rule of thirds. I think this is a perfect lighting and focus. This mood reminds me of late summer night and I love it!
I love the overall theme of this picture. I love the use of the different shades of blue all mixed together. The sky looks really peaceful and truly sets a mood for the picture.
This is really awesome the darkening is legit. and the sky is really pretty.
What I like about the photo is all the cool colors of the sky. The element of composition being used is the same use of color. I think the exposure is good.
I really like the way the person is in one side of the photo, and the girl leaping is in the other. The lighter to darker colors of the sky also really appeal to the viewer! This is a great photo!
I like this picture you can see the silhouette of the girl jumping in the background. I also like the colors of the sky. Nice use of rule of thirds.
When I was reading your description, you said that you didn’t even Photoshop it. That is very impressive that the picture turned out the way it did with just the right camera settings. My favorite part about this picture is the lighting. I love how it looks like an aurora borealis. The silhouette style is pretty.
I really like the color of the sky and how it gets darker toward the back of the picture. The effect of the girl jumping is also really cool and nice use of rule of thirds with it.
-JamieB ERHS
I really dig the sky in this photo with the blue and white in front and how it gets darker and turns purple in the back. And ofcourse the dark silhouette of the girl and the beach.
I love this picture. The only problem I have with it, is that the horizon line is cutting the picture in half. Try putting it lower if the sky is what you're taking a picture of.
Let me start off by saying I love Owens beach it’s my favorite place. I can’t say anything bad about this picture. It’s amazing! Who knew the sky would be so pretty at seven in the morning. I think the body position of her in the air is really interesting too. Overall great job!! I want to see more.
Kaitlyn H. -FPHS
This picture is amazing! The colors and the lines of the sky add a cool depth of field! I also like your use of rule of thirds with placing the girl towards the edge of the photo.
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