Photo by: Emily Dymond
This is a picture of my brother and his girlfriend, with my dog Lucy. We all went out into the woods and took a walk. The dog found this pathway and it was completely secluded and covered by trees and twigs. It was a pretty desolate looking pathway which is why I included the dying twig as the main subject of the picture. I got my brother and his girl to hold hands and walk ahead with the dog. I liked the overall feel of this picture. I only used levels to bring about the better coloring to the picture.
What I like about this picture is that it is very clear. The element of composition being used is depth of field. With the background out of focus and the foreground in focus. I think the lighting and focus is great. The mood of this photo is fall because of the dead leaves.
I really enjoy the focus on the branch and it almost seems to be waving good bye at the people you can partially see in the background.
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