Photo by: Mikaela Mattes
I took this photo while on my retreat with the Rogers softball team in Long Branch, Washington! I was focusing on taking depth of field photos for a photo assignment and this was my favorite photo I took. First of all, I love taking photos at any beach, photos of the water and the sand, and in this case, the wall of beach wood is very beautiful to me. I made this particular photo black and white to give it more of a calm, peaceful feeling. I also burned the edges the tiniest bit to lead into the photo and really draw focus to the main subject. I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I do!
There are many things about this picture that make it appear simple, but I think the simplicity of it makes it really stand out. First of all, I love the leading lines of the wood; it really leads the eye to where the water begins. Also, I like that you put the photo in black and white, that way no one thing outshines another. Overall this picture is really nice.
This photo shows how beautiful something plain can look. The wood just seems to look aged and old and fragile. The sand below it looks so soft and smooth. This picture looks so cool in black and white. I probably would look cool in color as well. SLS
I really like this photo. the first thing that stands out to me is how the wooden board draws the eye to the water. You created a nice unity by putting it in black and white. I like the angle it was taken from because it is unique and catches the eye.
-Lizzy L. OHS
This photograph was really thought out. How the cylinders seem to go on forever look really intriguing. Choosing to put your picture in black and white is very effective.
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