Photo by: Wynn Michael Wesson
The great Ansel Adams once said, and I believe he was targeting me, with the phrase, “A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.” This is how I feel about my photograph presented today. Although I feel my photograph speaks for itself, it is my task to write about it, which I despise when such a great photograph needs no description. The assignment was Macro photography and with a few experiences in this field under my belt, I was ready to take the challenge. My photography style is wild and instantaneous, which helped provide for a smart and elegant photograph. A shed’s lock. With my macro lens attached, I captured greatness through one photograph. It took only one shot, because my settings were in the correct order and I do not take a photograph unless I know it will turn out extravagant. This was a riveting experience and as Ansel Adams said before me, this photograph truly speaks for itself.