Photo by Lauren Hammer
I took this photo with the intention of sending it to the Mel Korum scholarship contest. The photo is meant to represent the Puyallup Valley. My mom works with the company that sells all the daffodils to the Daffodil Parade, and the fields are gorgeous this time of year. I thought it would be perfect to use a tiara to represent the huge community event that is the Daffodil Coronation. There were three photos that I really ended up liking, and I had a hard time choosing which one to send to be judged. In the end, I chose this one because I liked the angle it was taken at, with the sky being visible as well as the blurred field in the background. I really like this photo and am so happy with how it turned out.
This picture is so cute. It looks perfect especially with the blue sky. The follows just pop right out and the tiara looks great. I wouldnt change anything.
This picture is very bright and I really like that. I like how you used the crown with the flowers and the background is the sky.
I like how bright and out there this photo is.
The lighting was great. I thought the way this photo was set up was perfect.
This makes me feel like a fairy princess. When I look at it I feel like I am on clouds with plants growing on them. GO JAGZ.
I love this photo. I love how bight the colors are. I also enjoy how in focus and vibrant the photo is. The way the you used lighting to shine on the flowers but also the way it shines on the tiara is really pretty and adds alot to the photo.
I love this picture. I love the colors of the flowers. The crown is very unique and it looks really good. You did a great job. I also like how the picture is so clear and sharp.
My favorite thing about this photo is the vibrant colors. The bright yellow in the flowers, light blue sky, silver of the tiara and shimmer of the jewels create a very pleasant mood. The flowers and tiara are very well in focus compared to the green plants in the background and the sky. However, the light has washed out a lot of the detail from the flowers and some of the light spots are an unnatural color. The tiara is positioned outside of the left third and fills the frame over to the right side. The sky also takes of the top third of the image. I love that the subjects fill the frame. -LH OHS
I love the colors of this picture; the blue and yellow are very happy colors and make you ready and excited for summer by the nice day. The crown set on top of the flowers blends in very nicely. This picture fills the frame of the picture. The focus could be better however; I can tell the flowers are not in focus because you tried to have all the focus on the crown, but it would have been nice to have some flowers in focus to see how pretty they are.
I love this photo! The main focus is centered, but it still draws your attention to the crown. Depth of field done well! The colors are bright and beautiful. This is definitely a really good picture for advertising the daffodil parade!
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