Kourtney Scudder
I took this picture on my way to Pullman. My Dad backed up on the highway and did a U-Turn just so I could take pictures of the old barns. I like the old car and farm equipment. I also like the over growth of the trees and shrubs. I added a curves adjustment and added a channel mixer. Then I adjusted the color to sepia. My Aperture was 18 Shutter 1/80 and my ISO was 100.
It’s cool how this picture gives off a feel of abandonment. I like the old truck and old barn; you edited this picture in a great way to portray the old appearance. I like how the picture isn’t completely black and white; it seems like it is a very aged photograph.
I really like the old feel of this picture. It kind of has a creepy feel to it. The trees have really awesome branches. I like how you captured some of the abandonment. I also like how the car in the background is driving by.
I like the old feeling that this pictures gives off. The lighting was good, old fashioned mood is the mood it puts me in. good job
I really like the old feel of this photo. It's really cool and sort of creppy looking at the same time. The lines in the grass leading to the road at the back of the photo give it great depth of field and the other car on the back road adds more interest over all and keeps your eyes moving around the piece.
cb sphs
I like how the eye moves across the peice. I also like the contrast and darkness you used. You really gave this picture a rustic or old photograph feel. Well done!
This is a really neat picture I really like it. I love the way you faded the colors to make it seem older. You did a great job on this!
I like that in this photo the color is not just black and white, but not just color, it is sepia tone. I like how it is so focused the trees in front and back are still in focus. I think this shows a mood of fear, like a haunted house. I really like how this picture comes to life.
I absolutely love the color to this photo; it enhances the old and weary of the photo. I like the old fashion car it goes great along with the rest of the photo. Also the trees make it look amazing, if they weren’t there it wouldn’t be such a great photo. Good job.
Payton G -FPHS
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