By: Estefania Zavala
We were assigned a depth of field assignment in which we had to look for a photo that used a shallow depth of field that we liked and replicate it. I found one of an antique watch with a vague outline of a person’s legs in the background. My photo I think captured the feel of the photo and overall look, but still had my own style to it. I used the dodge and burn tool a lot in this photo since the original photo was very dark.
I really love this image! Its not just a photo, but it tells a story in a way. The clock is so close and vivid while the legs are far off and blurry causing your eyes to go straight to the clock. This picture makes you wonder what the story is behind it. I also love the black and white it definitely adds to the vintage look of it all. Great job!
Great Job! I really like this picture I think you did a very nice job.
Perfect images for black and white photography. Having the watch and the walker line up suggests a connection--the untold story. Very engaging.
There are multiple things working well in this photo to make the pocket watch the main focus. First, the watch has the brightest white compared to the dark gray ground and dark black legs. Second, it is an example of shallow depth of field and is a focal point because it is nearer to the observer. Third, the watch is the only part of the picture that is in focus. The ground has been blurred around the watch and in the distance, the legs and background are very out of focus. The focal points, the watch and legs, fall just left of center but the chain of the watch goes off into the left third. Overall, this photo has great composition. -LH OHS
Great photo! I really like how the figure looks in the background and how much you've focused in on the clock.
The fact that this picture seems to be telling a story, really makes it cool. I love how it appears that the shadow (person) dropped the pocket watch. You did a great job by keeping the shadow levels in check and the focus on the watch pristine.
Really cool concept you have here. I love the editing you did to the picture and the black and white goes very nicely. Very solid picture overall.
Very creative picture. The watch on the ground in black and white is very expressive. It was a creative perspective from my stand point. Also the depth is great in this picture. Wonderful focus I am thinking that you used manual to get this shot but I may be wrong. Over-all very cool shot.
I really love this photo I think it is the best this year in my mind. I love the fact that its black and white and that the pocket watch really stands out and the background is faded but you can still see a person walking away which adds a lot of contrast and depth to this photo. I love how you can move your eye around the photo but still realize the subject its not too much. Overall this is a great photo.
This is a good picture, however it’s very dark. Maybe if you had used levels, and lighten it up a bit, it would look a little better. But I like what you did with the person walking away from the pocket watch.
This picture really caught my eye. The creativeness of it all blows my mind. The clean, in-focus watch and the blurred man in the background. It all tells a story, and I want to know what it is.
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