Kourtney Scudder
I took this photo for my Depth of Field replication. I like the way love and life is connected. I turned the photo black and white and adjusted the color. I added a small Gaussian blur. The aperture was 2.1 ISO was 400. My shutter speed was 1/15. The angle seems kind of different to me.
I like this picture because of the angle and how it represents “loving life”. This is a nice use of fill the frame. I think the lighting is perfect for the way the picture sits. The mood just makes me happy because it is a positive picture.
I like how this photo has a message to it. And the way the black and white compares perfectly to the brown scrabble letters. Good job, Fills the frame was the perfect thing to use.
It is obvious that the composition of this photo was well-thought-out. Not only do the scrabble letters form words to convey a theme but their dark colors contrast the white board to enhance this black and white photograph. Depth of Field is utilized as the board and letters become more focused farther down the field of vision.
I think this photo is awesome. I really like the black and white and espically the angle. The angle is very different but it works very well. I think the lighting is pretty good, but maybe a little bit under exposed. I like how the scabble letters speel out inspiring words like the "love" and "life". I would definatly hang this on my wall because of the angle and how abstract it is. Also because of the the main letters in focus.
I suppose I am just a black and white photo lover. The perspective of the picture is nice and how it goes back in space. It almost looks endless in a way. Without the borders I am not sure where it ends and I enjoyed that factor.
Samii G -FPHS
I like this photo. I like how you have the words connected for the picture! Good job on depth of field and rules of thirds. I like that it is in black and white, changes the mood.
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