This is a high school photography blog. This blog showcases high school students' work. Please feel free to leave constructive comments. Enjoy.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Snack Time
Photo by: Sam Frasier
This photo was taken for our ‘Still Life’ assignment. I had to provide extra light to make the milk really stand out. My shutter speed was 1/1600 because I had to get the milk splashing, and I wanted it to be very crisp. The difficult part was how to get enough light in the picture, because I was inside. I really enjoyed this assignment, and I think this is a pretty cool photo.
Friday, December 2, 2011
White Flower
Oscar Campos-Morales
In this photo it cached my attention by how simply smooth it looks like and the perfect look. What I was attempting to do get the center of the flower but then seeing this part from a view made me choose this picture and shoot this.
Blue Fern
Photo by: Beatrice Romero
For this photograph I attempted to capture patterns in nature. I tried to have part of the image in sharp focus so the detail on the leaf can be seen. I really like this picture because of the different shades of blues and greens that appeared.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A Splash of Color
By: Thalia Chavez
This picture I chose we were working on fall leaves and this leaf was in my back yard and it had just rained. I went outside and say the dew drops and I thought to myself “that would make a great picture” so I grabbed my camera and did a technique I learned from doing macro pictures and took a picture. In photo shop I thought I would highlight the dew drops in a black and white version of the picture. I am very proud of this picture.
Splintered Edges
Photo by: Ryan Legaspi
The detail of the cracks and splinters in the edges of the splintered fence is what really caught my attention in this photograph. I used a Nikon D40x with a Macro Lens to take this photo, and the subject is the circular black spot. I really like how the focus exposes the texture of the wood, and the composition of the cracks in the wood.
No title submitted :(
By: Kelsey Nore
This photo was taken for a photo contest for my photo II class. The assignment had to do with patterns in nature. I like the way the petals over lap, creating a cool pattern effect. The photo was originally further back, showing the whole flower, but I cropped it to focus on the leaves.
Cool Drink in a Christmas Cup
Photo by: Kaia Jerome
In this photo, I attempted to catch the pouring milk so it was clear, along with keeping the milk in the cup clear as well. This photo felt homey to me, and the antique touch I made in photoshop enhanced that. If I could change anything, I would have the red mug more in focus, because although it is not the focal point of the photo, it’s an important subject. But other than that I’m glad I captured this!
An Anime View...
By: Justin Balas
This project was very interesting to me. Being new to the perks of Adobe Photoshop, I learned how to do this effect from a written tutorial on the web. Using the liquify tool to edit this photo opened up a whole new world for me! I was able to manipulate and alter Abby Advincula’s facial structures. Her features look how they do because that is what anime characters are like. The most creative fun I have had with a photo!
Tales for Autumn
Photo by: Heather Greenwood
This photo was taken for a Still Life assignment. I was supposed to attempt to duplicate a still life photo I found online. The original was interesting, but it was blurry and the artist had used a modern looking planner-type book for their subject. I thought the surrounding leaves called for a more traditional, old looking novel to be the subject. To make the overall photo look soft and dreamy, I took my aperture down the farthest it could go to blur the background and edges. It ended up blurring more than I had expected, but I decided to keep the effect (now I think it’s too much and I’ll do it a little differently next time).
It’s time to fall
By Hannah Whitehead
As the leaves are changing, falling on the ground, creating a beautiful scenery I decided to capture a colorful picture. As you can see how the red is vibrant and as the green grass is just peeking through. I love this picture, plus red is my favorite color so it worked out perfectly!
No title submitted :(
By Maddie Keaton
I took this photo for our October Theme assignment. One day I decided to scout out my backyard for any fall related things that I could photograph and these half blue/half dusty looking flowers caught my eye. I thought it was interesting how every year these types of flowers turn a dusty golden color on the edges, so I decided that they’d be perfect for my project!
The King Has Fallen
Photo by: Brandon Han
For this assignment, we were supposed to replicate a photo that we liked on the internet. As one can see from my photo, all I had to do was to let the king lie down and place a bishop standing over it. The lighting was hard to copy since there wasn’t any sunlight the day I took it so I used my lamp light which was white to shine from the corner. However, I did not realize my sister’s homework sitting on the lamp until after I got done editing the picture; it was not supposed to be there. I had to take this picture at 1/60 shutter speed with an ISO of 1600.
A Crook in Life.
Photo by: Abby Advincula
In this photo is a tree from my backyard, before there were so many leaves with different colors from green, red, and yellow. But I decided to wait until the leaves were almost completely gone. And I finally got my image going. I love how the crook and twist of the tree is more visible so it has an eerie and mysterious look about it. I wish this wasn’t only an autumn theme picture because I wanted to do a lot more with this picture like a fantasy dream kind. But I love how it turned out and I wouldn’t change much of it. (:
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Photo by: Morgan Griffin
In this photo I attempted to make the background blurry and the leaf in focus. I didn’t try anything special. I am happy with the results I think it looks pretty good, a little blurry though. I would have put a little more effort or time into the picture.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
No Title Submitted :(
Photo by: Kamryn Taylor
I love this photo; everything about it is really beautiful to me. The color contrast and the rain drops are all really great. The rain drops turn out really well with them being in perfect focus. I took this picture for a close-up or macro assignment and I was really happy to find this flower still alive since it was so cold. Over all I’m really happy with it.
On the same level
Photograph by: Sidnee Lee
I chose this photo, because I thought the angle and perspective that it was at, was very neat. The color of this photo is also what drew me to choosing this one. I enjoy taking pictures like these because I enjoy the nature scenes.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Looking In
Photo by: Thalia Chavez
I took this picture of my Cousin Kasey’s eye because she has beautiful eyes. We were working on macro photos and I decided she was perfect for the photo. What I love most about this picture is that her eye pops and the side of her face and her nose is white.
Cute As A Button
Photo by: Samantha Frasier
This is a photo I took for macro photography. I poured a bottle of buttons on my table, put on my macro lens and took pictures from all different angles; this is the picture that turned out the best. It took some editing to lighten the photo and bring out the photo.
Dicin’ It Up
Photo by: Ryan Legaspi
I specifically chose this photograph because of the combination of distinguishable colors. The vibrant and contrasting colors were unique to any of the other Macro Photographs I had taken in the assignment. I took this photograph on my desk, and surprisingly I was able to capture additional colors in the background. The hazy blue lighting in the background came from my laptop.
Photo by: Oscar Campos-Morales
In this picture I’m attempting in doing Macro Photography in white was on of our projects, so I decided to use this mini beverage umbrella. My main attempt in this picture was to focus more into the center point of this small umbrella, but I am satisfied with how it looks like.
Burned Cupcake
-Maddison Keaton
I took this delicious photo for a “Close-Up” assignment. It’s definitely a lot of fun to take pictures of food. I thought a close up of a cupcake would be perfect for this. I ended up darkening the edges in Photoshop to emphasize the cupcakes appearance. Overall, I think it turned out pretty good!
Blown Away
Photo by: Kelsey Nore
This picture was taken on the campus of my high school by the baseball fields. It was a really pretty sunny day when I took this photo, and the fall colors really popped. It was slightly windy, and I found the leaf like this, blown into the fence like this. I thought it was super cool.
Blue Autumn
Photo by: Kaia Jerome
In this photo, I attempted to capture the leaves from a different angle. I was able to make not only the leaves clear, but the rocky ground in focus as well which I’m happy about! The photo wasn’t originally antique colored until I edited it, but now that I did I really enjoy the effect. It kind of gives a blue feeling, in contrast to the brightness of the red leaves.
Shimmering Mist
Photo by: Justin Balas
This photo was taken by reversing my lens. I was out in my yard one soggy Sunday morning when I came across a baby rose stem covered in dew. I tried sharpening my macro photography technique, and the result was this magnificent photo! I like the light through the center dew drop because it adds an essence of serenity.
The Illuminated Path
Photo by: Heather Greenwood
I love early autumn for the beautiful range of colors backed up by a bright, cloudless sky. I was excited to take fall-themed pictures for our next photo assignment and found this tree and pathway near the Nathan Chapman trail. The sun behind the tree makes the trail behind it bright and warm looking, and it shines through the yellow tree, brightening the leaves even more. The ori
ginal photo was a bit darker and the colors didn’t show up as well, so I used Camera Raw to make the leaves look more yellow and add more warmth to the photo.
The Tiger
Photo by: Beatrice Romero
This photograph was taken as a macro assignment. The picture consists of a close up of an Orchid.
I attempted to try to fill the frame from the center of the flower. But what I absolutely loved about this photograph was the tiger like appearance in the middle. This made the picture uniquely different from other Orchids.
Rainy Days
Photo by: Ashley Wildman
When taking this photo I really want to capture all of the rain drops in focus. I really love how this picture turned out. What was really unique is that ever rain drop is in focus.
A Bite of Heaven
Photo by: Abby Advincula I took this photo of the Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies I made for my macro project. I love baking and I thought it’d be cool to see the close up of these delicious cookies. These cookies are easy to make so I took a variety of pictures of the cookies in all sorts of angles. I took pictures of them close up without the bite at first and realized it’d be
better if we actually see the Oreo inside the cookie. I love how focused it turned out and how nice the colors look. And not to mention how good it looks too. Makes you want to take a bite out of your computer screen just by looking at it huh? (:
Monday, October 10, 2011
500 Days Of Justin

Photo by: Ryan Legaspi
In this assignment, we were given the task of re-creating a movie ad. I choose to re-create a 500 Days of Summer ad simply because it is one of my favorite movies. In the original movie ad, Joseph Gordon-Levitt was the featured actor. I used Justin Balas as my model for the ad because he fit Joseph’s physical characteristics. I’m actually surprised that it turned out well, and how close my version was to the original. I wish I could have fixed the smear near his right shoulder.
Play Time

Photo by: Samantha Frasier
This photo was challenging because my dog kept moving while I was taking the picture. Because of this I had to turn my shutter speed up to avoid any blur. When I went to look at the picture on my computer it turned out underexposed because of my shutter speed. Editing was complicated because his fur was dark and I wanted to really bring out the texture, but the background was pretty light. I enjoyed the challenge of taking this photo and photoshopping it. I think it turned out pretty good!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Get out the way!
A View From Below

Photo by: Beatrice Romero
When I went out, I was looking for objects I can take at a unique angle. I came across this yellow flower that was in a grass lawn full of weeds, as if it didn’t belong there. To capture the flower at a unique angle, I laid on the grass and pointed the camera upwards towards the sky. One thing I would do differently is shoot the photograph where the house would stay out of the picture.
A Frozen Drip
Justin Balas V.S. Adam Levine

Photo by: Abby Advincula
For our photoshop project, I attempted to make my friend Justin be the other Adam Levine. He and Adam had the same facial features and it worked really well. I was trying to match the lighting with the original photo but the lighting I took of Justin’s face was slightly brighter than Adam’s photo. I really love how both of their jaw lines are very similar, even they’re facial hair match up. I wish I could’ve matched the lighting perfectly with the original but I’m proud of what I made out of it.
Jackie Han – Rush Hour

Photo by: Brandon Han
This photo was developed from one of my life goals to scream with Chris Tucker and my love for the Rush Hours series. Additionally, I believe Jackie Chan is a really great actor and taking his face would be such an honor. So I took this Photoshop lesson as an opportunity to complete a life goal. I had to lessen the opacity of the eraser to about 25 percent to blend my forehead with Jackie’s forehead. Also, I had to darken my skin to a golden yellow skin color to match his. Lastly, I just had to rotate my face a little to match my face with his head, which turned out quite well in my opinion.
Sweet Kisses

Photo by: Thalia Chavez
We had an assignment that we had to work with different techniques such as fill the frame, rule of thirds, small depth of field, frame the subject, ECT. I chose to do this photo because a regular picture of a couple kissing would have been boring, so I decided to get up close and personal with my friends to catch that kiss he laid upon her cheek. It was a little awkward form them because I had to put the camera right in their faces to get this picture.
Catch that ball!!
Fired Up!

Photo By: Oscar Campos-Morales
In this photo I got the Varsity Football Team starting the game. Scott Snyder number 19 and Kayce Doti number 11 rip up the “Lets get fired up” poster the Cheerleaders made for the team before the game time. I choose this picture because it brings more or stopped motion.
Going in Circles

Photo by: Kelsey Nore
I took this photo for my photo skills review when I went to the fair with my family. I’ve always been mesmerized by the swing ride, I like how antique-like it looks. My favorite part about the photo is the people since its candid. They’re all doing something different, it shows personality, making this photo feel more real. I think it captures the fun, whimsical aspect of the fair.
Dark HAIR Memory

Photo by: Justin Balas
In this photo, I was capturing the essence of a dark and mysterious message. The word “HAIR” came from the song that was playing in the car at the time: Hair - Lady Gaga. The car windows were foggy inside and my friend and I were driving back from Tacoma. I wrote “HAIR” on the window, and waited for some sort of light source to illuminate the scene. I seized my moment as a car drove past, and I was fascinated with the look and feel of the photo.
Resting Place

Photo by: Heather Greenwood
I had the perfect opportunity to take stop-action pictures of birds flying within their coop, but before the birds became disrupted by my presence, I got the chance to capture the peaceful nature of the doves. First I took this with the intent of using rule of thirds, but I ended up executing it wrong by putting it in a horizontal format. The picture had too much “dead space” of blank wood. I cropped it into a vertical format, still trying to capture rule of thirds, and it looked a lot better. I love how the colors are all alike and very gentle, adding to the atmosphere of calm. I also like the way the dove’s whiteness stands out and draws attention to the subject; it also keeps the photo “alive”.
Ride With Me

Photo by: Hannah Whitehead
While taking this picture I tried to get Courtney Johnston in main focus while the background was blurred out. It was a Panning project in photography. The first thing that popped in my mind was someone long boarding. I absolutely love how this picture turned out, especially how nice of weather we had while doing this little photo shoot.
Fill The Frame

Photo by: Morgan Griffin
In this photo I attempted to do a fill the frame, I also was trying to catch the unique look of this flower and how it look. At first I had the iso set to the wrong setting and the picture came out way too dark. I choose to do this photo because I’ve never seen a flower like this before and I thought it was really pretty.
No Title Provided
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Blinding Light

By Tasha Smith
This photo was part of a silhouette assignment. I had to stand on my desk with a burning hot light to get this picture. The camera was on a very tall tripod and had a timer on it. Also, I had to hold the light behind and slightly in front of my face. I am pleased how this picture turned out.

Photo by: Justin Mcaulay
This photo was taken on the Rogers campus. This is a wide aperture type of photo. Notice how the only thing even close to in focus is the tree branch. The background is so out of focus that it almost looks like it is painted. This was done on purpose with an aperture of about 5.4. I really like this photo because it describes exactly what I was supposed to do. The only thing that creeps me out about this photo is the dust and dirt hanging off of this single tree branch…. ew
Just Another Day

Photo by: Isaac Han
To start off with I love this photo probably even more then the last photo I posted just because the green in the background just makes this photo look really cool. Anyways what I attempted to do in this photo is use the rule of thirds because the green in the background seemed like it would be a good thing to contrast with Bear coming off the jump. I can’t really remember what settings I used but I know I had to mess with the shutter speed a lot and emphasis on the a lot. Lastly I am really satisfied with this photo because of how many tries I needed before I really got the perfect one. What I would probably do different with this photo is actually maybe bring Bear more closer to the middle instead of having him so far to the left but other then that I’m really satisfied.
Photo by: Hilaree Hampton
When I took this picture I was thinking about my sister and how her husband is leaving soon to go to Iraq. I took her to where I could see her Silhouette and tried to get a cool angle and then I also put her in a frame to capture a moment. My shutter speed was 1/1250 seconds and my aperture was at 4.0. I hope you like it!!
Abstract of Metals

Photo by: Halee Dew
With this photo I was trying to attempt to make the piece of metal look interesting to look at. For a light source I put light behind the metal and on the left hand side of it. I like how the metal gives the illusion that it just keeps continuing throughout the darkness. For a white balance I set it at fluorescent, and I focused on the ridges in the center of the metal to make sure it would have a little texture.
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