By Tasha Smith
This photo was part of a silhouette assignment. I had to stand on my desk with a burning hot light to get this picture. The camera was on a very tall tripod and had a timer on it. Also, I had to hold the light behind and slightly in front of my face. I am pleased how this picture turned out.
I like silhouette photos. The camera range is great, along with the lighting. I kinda don't like that we can see your hand, but other than that it looks really good.
sphs e.w.
I like the lighting in this picture a lot, also the coloring that came out. It is not just a typical black color with the light; the more purple colors are nice. I like that you can see the source of light but I do not like how the arm is in the picture as much as it is.
-Nicole ERHS
I love this photo! The way you can’t see your face but you can see the light on your hair. Awesome work! I also love that you can see that you’re holding the light. Very unique and different (: Love you baby tiger!!
I love the way this photo turned out. I wish you had tried to edit out or downplay how much the hand is in the picture, but it looks great despite that. There's just the right amount of light on your face and hair to give this photo interest.
I love this picture. It’s amazing and pretty cool looking. For some reason, this picture reminds of someone at a rock concert. I really like the lighting, because it makes your face kind of shadowy, but outlines around it. The colors in this are kind of bland but they make it look really cool. I like that there are lines, for example, curved lines, from the light bulb and horizontal lines from your hair. Everything goes pretty well together, Good Job!
KTMJ- Franklin Pierce High School
I very much like this photo but I wish you could have gotten someone else to hold the light for you or edit out your hand in the photo. The composition is nice; I like where you placed yourself and got in tight.
-Ashana ERHS
I love the way you can’t see your face but you can see the light on your hair. However I don’t like how the arm is in the photo. But overall its an Awesome photo!. Very unique
I am extremely fascinated with silhouette photos and this one really got my attention. It has a strong feel to it that really caught my eye and made me look at it. Usage of rule of thirds is good and I just am being picky here but I wish the chin was showing to complete the outline. Very nice usage of lighting. I would absolutely love to have this photo in my room! Very powerful, nicely done.
I love this picture! It looks so mysterious. The lighting is perfect and so is the placement of the light and the person. I also like how you can see the silhouette of the face and hair. Very Powerful!
Tyler I.
This photo is really cool! I love the way that the silhoutte came out. I think that it could have been a little better if you had moved the camera up just a bit so that you can see the rest of your chin. Also if you had someone else hold the light so that you couldn't see your arm. Overall though it's a great photo.
-Amber G. PHS
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