Photo by: Samantha Frasier
This photo was challenging because my dog kept moving while I was taking the picture. Because of this I had to turn my shutter speed up to avoid any blur. When I went to look at the picture on my computer it turned out underexposed because of my shutter speed. Editing was complicated because his fur was dark and I wanted to really bring out the texture, but the background was pretty light. I enjoyed the challenge of taking this photo and photoshopping it. I think it turned out pretty good!
I like this picture because it’s a close up of not only the dog but also the ball. I also like how the background is blurred. I also like how you can see each individual fur on the dog. I don’t like how the picture could have been taken farther back rather so close.
cheyanne carter f.p.h.s
I like how the colors coordinate really well. The fur ion your dog looks perfect with the sunlight shining. I like this picture it's really cute.
Shleana Hardy FPHS
I love this picture, you can tell the story of this picture. You know dog's love to catch ball and the depth of field is excellent. He's a very cute dog and I can't believe you used shutter speed when you took this. Well it's great and the dog and tennis ball pop out with great colors.
I really like this picture because of the close up on the dog but also on the ball, this picture tells me the dog is play full and it reminds me of my dog always wanting to play.
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