Photo by: Brandon Han
This photo was developed from one of my life goals to scream with Chris Tucker and my love for the Rush Hours series. Additionally, I believe Jackie Chan is a really great actor and taking his face would be such an honor. So I took this Photoshop lesson as an opportunity to complete a life goal. I had to lessen the opacity of the eraser to about 25 percent to blend my forehead with Jackie’s forehead. Also, I had to darken my skin to a golden yellow skin color to match his. Lastly, I just had to rotate my face a little to match my face with his head, which turned out quite well in my opinion.
This is an awesome picture my friend!!!! Ahaaaa it looks like you guys could've been co actors.
This is very unique and rush hour is one of my favorite movies. I love the techniques your school used to make it like this person was actually in the movie. It's really great and i wish my school will be capable of doing it too. I really like it and there's nothing wrong with it. Haha it's so funny I had to do a double take (:
- Kira A. : FPHS
I really like this picture because i like the rush hour movies so the way he put his face on jackie chans is really funny good job.
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