Alexis Dewey
I really enjoyed this picture. For my night photo I wanted to go somewhere that was pretty, so I chose the waterfront. I traveled to different places by the water and on the dock taking pictures of the ocean and the lights on the other side. What makes this photo w=one of my favorites is the smoke from the building. I liked how clear it came up in the photo.
I really like how you captured the smoke in this. Without it, this would just be another boring photo of a city across water. I also like the color of the sky. Good job.
When I was flipping through the photos, this one really jumped out at me. I love the soft yellow/green lighting of the city and the sky and how that highlights the smoke. I like the city in the background, but also the subtle sillhoutte of the lakeshore in the foreground. The picture has a melancholy sort of feeling to it, almost making the viewer wish they were right there looking at the skyline.
I really like this picture because of the waterfront and the lighting of the buildings. Also, I like how you captured the smoke in the top right corner and it is not blurry at all. But what I think could’ve made this picture a lot better is if you were to take this same exact picture but with starry skies. Other than that, it is a really good picture.
-Nick Bounchanh Franklin Pierce High
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